How to use VSCode Keymaps in Obsidian

Integrate Visual Studio Code keymaps into Obsidian for easy navigation and editing.

How to use VSCode Keymaps in Obsidian

How to use

Copy the code below into .obsidian/hotkeys.json at the root directory of your vault.

  "editor:swap-line-down": [
      "modifiers": ["Alt"],
      "key": "ArrowDown"
  "editor:swap-line-up": [
      "modifiers": ["Alt"],
      "key": "ArrowUp"
  "editor:delete-paragraph": [
      "modifiers": ["Mod", "Shift"],
      "key": "K"
  "workspace:close-others": [
      "modifiers": ["Alt", "Mod"],
      "key": "T"
  "workspace:copy-path": [
      "modifiers": ["Alt", "Mod"],
      "key": "C"
  "app:go-back": [
      "modifiers": ["Ctrl"],
      "key": "-"
  "app:go-forward": [
      "modifiers": ["Ctrl", "Shift"],
      "key": "-"
  "editor:toggle-bold": [
      "modifiers": ["Mod", "Shift"],
      "key": "B"
  "app:toggle-left-sidebar": [
      "modifiers": ["Mod"],
      "key": "B"
  "app:toggle-right-sidebar": [
      "modifiers": ["Alt", "Mod"],
      "key": "B"
  "file-explorer:open": [
      "modifiers": ["Mod", "Shift"],
      "key": "E"
  "command-palette:open": [
      "modifiers": ["Mod", "Shift"],
      "key": "P"
  "switcher:open": [
      "modifiers": ["Mod"],
      "key": "P"
  "workspace:split-vertical": [
      "modifiers": [
      "key": "\\"
  "workspace:split-horizontal": [
      "modifiers": [
      "key": "\\"

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